Having said on few of the tips on the previous post, there are some the tables still continue to persist the data which can still cause concerns. The Instance data occupies space in Oracle BPEL Process Manager schema tables. Data growth from auditing and dehydration can have a significant impact on database performance and throughput.
This occurs mainly when we have Async BPEL process. The very reason for BPEL to persist few of the information like references, state of the instance, metadata, etc., are to cater to handle the faults and to recover the same.
Few of the tables are :
document_dlv_msg_ref : Stores references to dlv_message documents stored in the xml_document table.
xml_document : Stores all large objects in the system (for example, dlv_message documents). This table stores the data as binary large objects (BLOBs). Separating the document storage from the metadata enables the metadata to change frequently without being impacted by the size of the documents.
dlv_message : Stores incoming (invocation) and callback messages upon receipt. This table only stores the metadata for a message (for example, current state, process identifier, and receive date).
With this, there are high chances of the data growth in the tables and resulting in table space issue or the disk space issues.
One of the ways to handle this would be :
- incorporate the proper purge strategy ( Preferred )
- consider, revisiting the retention policy
- Disk space increase (Last option)